“L'immobilier géolocalisé efficace”

Interest-only mortage risks heightened by rate pressure

Par Benoit , le 19 décembre 2006

et ça pourrait moins continuer bientôt

The FSA found that 10 per cent of the borrowers it surveyed had no strategy for repaying their interest-only mortgages. Also, some were not aware “of a lender’s right to sell the house if they fail to repay the capital” at the end of the loan’s term.

One in four borrowers take out interest-only mortgages and about 500,000 people in the UK took one out in the last year alone, according to the FSA.

Article : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/7469fadc-8c36-11db-9684-0000779e2340.html

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