Aucun problème autre que financier aux US.
Je cite ce bon de mes 2
"Je partage assez ce point de vue, la crise est localisée ce qui la rend omniprésente ce sont les financiers qui se sont planté et qui hurlent à longueur de journée. Le vrai problème est la ponction opérée par les pays producteurs de matières premières ...."
" SACRAMENTO, Calif. - With California's cash dwindling and legislators still debating a new budget, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated thousands of part-time and temporary state jobs Thursday and ordered that 200,000 state workers receive the federal minimum wage.
His move had been expected since last week but starkly illustrated the cash problem facing the nation's most populous state. Schwarzenegger apologized to state workers but said he had no choice.
"Today I am exercising my executive authority to avoid a full-blown crisis and keep our state moving forward," Schwarzenegger said. "This is not an action I take lightly."
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