“L'immobilier géolocalisé efficace”

Les prix de l'immobilier ont de la marge pour baisser

Par bronto , le 12 mars 2010

Un article du point en parle mais je préfère vous poster l'original du FMI.

"How low can prices go? There are a number of factors to
First, house prices in most countries still remain well above the levels observed at the beginning of the upturn in the early 2000s. Second, house prices remain above rents and incomes[...]. Third,
econometric models show that house prices increased during
2000–06 to a greater degree than can be explained by either short-run driving forces or long-run relationships: the corrections thus far have not erased all of the excesses generated by the house price increases.
That leads to an uncomfortable conclusion: house prices in many countries still have room to fall."

Article : http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2010/03/pdf/loungani.pdf

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